Spring 2014 Submissions
We’ve set up this page to provide you access to a few of our songs for a submission for consideration. These songs are mixes from our upcoming CD, but they have not yet been mastered. We wanted to make these available for submissions that were closing as our CD was being mixed. We anticipate the new album, Simple Grace, will be out in the spring.
Here are links to songs we’d like you to consider. Please do not use these for any other purpose without asking. Until we have the CD complete, we’re keeping the recordings out of public view.
You can read more about us and find our Bio and info at the following pages.
The audio files other than the ones linked to above are much older or of far lower quality. We’d appreciate your basing decisions on the tracks from our new CD.
We can be reached at us@danandfaith.com or 978-216-2030.